Like other year around this time the finals begin school outdoor track, and as expected Teresianas athletes are there to give everything, whether rain or the sun last weekend.
This time we touched all classes throughout the school visiting weekend Adarraga athletics tracks, Logroño. We can say that @ s tod @ sl Teresianas athletes did very well, always with that spirit of enthusiasm, motivation and companionship that characterizes this club.
The lucky ones were on the podium this time: Aroa Vega, 1 st in 800 ml juvenile Miriam Alonso, 3 rd in 200 ml juvenile Alejandro Martínez, 1 in 200 ml Youth Ayoub Bahlouli, 2 in 200 ml juvenile Francisco Antoñanzas, 1 in 800 ml juvenile Sonia Sanz, 1 st in the triple jump juvenile Claudia Lapuerta, 1 st in shot infant weight, Cesar del Rio, 3 rd in shot javelin, Pablo García, 3 ° in 80 m. Child fences, Rachel Pacheco, 3 rd in the triple jump and high jump and 2nd in 80 m. Child fences, Marta Lorente, 3 rd at 80 m. Child fences, Ana Peña, 1 second at 1000 meters, Melanie Fernandez, 3 rd in 600 ml; Daniel Escribano, 2 in 50 ml prebenjamín, Alex Martinez, 3 rd in shot Vortex Benjamin Alba Martinez, 3 rd in shot Votex and 2 nd in long jump Benjamin and Vanessa Asin 1 st in the high jump fry.
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