saw a movie that I liked. Too bad that is not in theaters, but you can rent or buy, I elegantiarum arbiter, I recommend: 500 days of summer.
The movie I like because it makes me think that there is a better world, where beautiful girls tell you in an elevator: "I love The Smiths." (Lower frame). Wow.

course it is not realistic to meet someone and in Mexico City, will not, because here the girls are ... you know ... a lost cause ... good thing is that in a few months I will forever city of despair to a better world.
Before I make a recommendation to pursue music: She & Him. Now listen to them and by the way, is the band of Zooey Deschanel. I check Amazon products and can order the CD for $ 13, and if you share my love for vinyl, you get 12 inches for $ 18. Worthwhile. And in early April will Volume 2 of this wonderful band. I thank my friend Julio, a gourmet in its entirety, introducing me to She & Him. And as he
"500 days of summer ", the soundtrack is a delight, and She & Him does a cover of" Please, please, please, let me get what i want "... Ahhhh, Zooey Deschanel ... look at the poster below, imagine the girl who loves The Smiths lying beside him in his bed, seeing them in the eye.

No sir, not a utopia, it can happen to reach the dream of every man with a impeccable musical taste. These girls are. Just look at his pose and the dress unbelievable coquette on the poster below. As Barney Stinson would say: True story.

was going to finish up the entry but it was devastating best to conclude with an optimistic thought: To one day to a lovely girl ... wait ... How much ?.... I do not know ... "500 days? ... Reasonable? ... It!.
wait 500 days to the woman of your dreams, so I start my count today.
wait 500 days to the woman of your dreams, so I start my count today.
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