Reviews and Opinions about the new and not good. Gallery
This week and above, were filled with moments in comics that truly stand out so disgusting, but go in order, first talk was pathetic that the bow end of "Batman Vs. Robin Grant Morrison, referred between 10 and 12 titles in the series "Batman And Robin."
After an arc dull and chaotic that we had a clone of Bruce Wayne / Batman terrorizing Gotham (One negative aspect of many to highlight: Gotham seems to be composed Dick, Damian, Batwoman, The Squire and Alfred in Batman And Robin numbers, at least in the past) then that Dick committed the immaturity of bringing it to life using a mass grave of Lazarus (Well remember that in comics in these comics beautiful, full of intelligent action, good stories, written by O 'Neil, to name an author, Bruce always emphasized the evil that are the graves of Lazarus ... Dick was still Robin) and now we arc called Batman VS. Robin ", where we witness in our time of reading is about the whereabouts of Bruce Wayne Dick by Damian and Alfred helped by a mysterious tramp Oberon Sexton. On the other hand you back the Black Glove after the surge that gave Bruce RIP (Another slander the character, but at least it was not as horrible as now) The arc is centered between all this and absurd and ridiculous fights evocations the devil Barbato, who are determined to put in context (was good for another story, which did not conclude anything
cash, but put it in the continuity is something else) In addition to a mystery that round One of the paintings of the ancestors of Bruce Wayne. All the end it boils down to the Joker has always been the Oberon Sexton while the Domino Killer who murdered several members of the Black Glove Why did it? It is not known. It is also worth remembering that perhaps half Arkham Joker and learned the identity of Batman after the charade and dress batmitos ridiculous to imagine colors with the excuse of "that was the last of reason that he had while running the psychological attack" (Caramba if it is to use "reason", most likely be wise). Now we have to wait for the continuation of this arc to be called "Batman Must Die" which apparently will feature the Joker as a villain, of course ... or not?
After examination of the first nightmare, get to the other, the ugliest, I think many fans reason to use were defending all this, were disappointed with the first issue of "Return Of Bruce Wayne." It all begins when we see a cave-dwelling barbarians displaying a kind of spacecraft or rocket, and communicating with perfect English continued looking around until they found a cave and Bruce and all we saw in the preview a week ago . What follows is the question of the largest cave "What tribe are you?" And Bruce responds in a way that leaves ... ... and with ... some ... questions?
clear Ah, I forgot to tell them that from this paragraph, there will be some "spoilers" and as the comic came out recently, perhaps not everyone has read it, and many also are waiting for someone to translate it, normal. As I said, left with some, if that, certainly. My first thought is that Bruce was high and I wanted to burn DC, but continued reading just in case. After all this, Bruce meets a caveman unimportant despite its name, if such name makes you pay more attention to him, in vain, but hey, this is Mr. Morrison, the cave is called "Joker" and also meets a redheaded boy named "Boy" (which names of prehistoric cave right? For God but who said there was no familiar names in the prehistoric era!?). After all this, at night to attack a barbarian tribe that now apparently belongs to Bruce, who ... save the boy named Boy in a somewhat strange (Honestly after seeing strange cartoon, I thought that little joke of the day innocent might have been true, between that and "Bruce Stoned" was in arms to burn DC) Bruce is ready to fight with her tribe and she ends up tied to the ground. After a series of flashbacks, dreams and typical of Bruce Morrison, realizes that is Batman and that, this guy, the shield comes Boy Bat and Bruce releases, like a true Robin. Bruce takes a Giant bat skin that was hanging on a branch (like Batman and Robin 13) and begins the hunt, while Bruce shoots to kill the boss caveman apparent stabbing the grapple to the abdomen, thankfully he did not die, but just the fact to throw it that way, is totally anti Batman. After ending the fight and the Boy and the guy called Batman "Bat Man" fall from a waterfall, but does not leave out Boy Bruce. At that time nothing opens a glow in the tribe and displayed Superman, Green Lantern and Boster Gold, who already knew they would go after Bruce. Superman says strange lines and perhaps meaningless as Bruce appears not to know how many years then saved by a nice young man. Bruce traveled through time back when he fell into the falls and went from prehistory until perhaps early Middle Ages (Well, after this the Ancient Age prehistory (Greece, Rome, empires, Jesus) and is followed by the Middle Ages or call the Dark Ages.)
See the inspiration for these comics, the style Joel Schumacher ... that bad ...
What do we have? We have a Bruce is not known if he was drugged, if I was amnesiac and recalled with these flashbacks, shooting to kill, etc.. The perfect course for Bruce to become extremely prudent, as a few weeks ago Morrison said in an interview if! Mostly sane will return to this path that will take things!. And going back, in Batman And Robin, Joker A Joker anything, ridiculous plot, dialogue of soap opera, and more. A few days ago I thought "Why Morrison, Daniels, etc are doing this rubbish?" Upon reflection I realized that none of them has achieved a basic understanding of the environment and the world of Batman and what they do is to tell stories in their own way to try to understand on the road, yet they have done is worse However, over the continuity back to fuck a lot of comics from the 60s' that had been buried in our memories, no matter how Batman story is, it was something worth forgetting and not knowing, because Morrison decided to pull the strings , ropes, rugs, floor, soil, land, EVERYTHING! Unnecessarily. Some may wonder what kind of story then we want or that we hate this filth? If you believe that they had better stories to tell without doing all this commotion, but poor and unimaginative are, I can think of several I will soon (if they want) may know them.
It goes say that this is my opinion again exposed to you, I know I often say stupid referring to a group of people, but of course, not my anger that is plentiful, weighs more than my capabilities and my education, I do not mean to brag, but because one must recognize that it is made, given this, do not mention any names but the authors of these clunkers, any "identification" or act of offense to you for what you read, it's not my fault, it depends on your how to interpret it.
Greetings! Carlos Eduardo
PD: I knew I forgot something, Batman 699, but today may be greatly lengthen post well we already have.